Second Chance Wildlife


“Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all

living things, we will not find peace.”

Albert Schweitzer

Home Wildlife Emergencies You Can Help Helpful Links Newsletter

1. Your volunteer hours may be applied to meet community service hours.

2. Build on your resume. You may learn marketable skills for future job opportunities.

3. You will be helping us care for Colorado’s wildlife.

4. You will be honored at the Volunteer Recognition Lunch.

5. You may meet interesting new people, increase personal and business contacts.

6. You will gain a sense of accomplishment.

7. You will have a positive impact on the earth.

8. You may want to know more about wildlife rehabilitation.

9. Even during unsettling times, there is a way to be pro-active, stay connected and help solve a problem on a local level.

10. You will gain personal insight and knowledge, not only about our organization but yourself.

12. Improve your health! It is a scientific fact that doing good   makes you feel good by releasing good hormones to the body and brain. The Corporation for National and Community Service says that volunteering has many health benefits.

    -Volunteering can improve self-esteem, reduce heart rates and blood pressure, increase endorphin production, enhance immune systems, buffer the impact of stress, and combat social isolation. (Research Summary: Graff, L. (1991). Volunteer for the Health of it, Etobiocke, Ontario: Volunteer Ontario.)

    -Volunteering lowers the risk of physical ill health because it boosts the social psychological factors that healthy people have. (The Effects of Volunteering on the Volunteer, John Wilson and Marc Musik, 62 Law & Contemp. Probs., Autumn 1999)

 13. Volunteering provides valuable services so more money can be spent on caring for the injured and orphaned animals. The estimated dollar value of volunteer time for 2010 was $21.36

14. Volunteering is very valuable but costs you little.

Why Volunteer

What’s In It For Me??

Click Here for our Volunteer Program info and forms